Working towards a "higher" education that 1) is rooted in wisdom, 2) honors and celebrates life's diversity and interconnections, and 3) prioritizes what's at stake - economic, environmental, and spiritual integrity.


Life calls for a delicate balancing of freedom and responsibility - the me with the we - and we social animals depending on a somewhat-predictable natural environment share some major concerns that demand we maximize our capacity for not only critical thinking, but critical feeling and action as well:
Friends and Leaders
So what are we to do when we also need to elect trusted others to represent us in these concerns?

Consider this: While we might be anguishing over hundreds of different problems in our lives, in our organizations, and in the world, if we would take time to understand our own fundamental motivations with the goal of taming our unconscious reactivity, we might be pleasantly surprised with what more present and self-aware heads, hearts, and bodies can collectively manifest.

Start by exploring the wisdom embedded in
the Enneagram