Figuring out a way to exchange with others and the earth in order to keep food in our stomachs and a roof overhead ideally points to work resonating with our very souls - no internal conflict, no external conflict. But "Right Livelihood" in alignment with the greater good is sometimes hard to discern when there is so much focus on "the job market," the tail wagging the dog.
Bringing other people into our lives with the assumption we'll be making decisions and sharing some kind of space together often gifts us with fresh energy and optimism and feelings of having fallen in love. But the work of maintaining community is sometimes not so easy or even attractive after we settle from the heady states of newfound relationship.
Planning for a tomorrow that protects and holds dear what we value today means caring enough to get serious about achieving environmental and economic sustainability goals. But too often it seems like we're all just trying to keep our heads above water as the unintended consequences of modern technology couple with more historic modes of losing our way.
Consider this: While we suffer hundreds of different problems in our lives, organizations, and world, if we take time to understand our own fundamental motivations with the goal of taming our own unconscious reactivity, we could be pleasantly surprised with what more present and self-aware heads, hearts, and bodies collectively manifest.